
How can I book to stay at your hotel?

For direct bookings, availability & rates : use the booking engine on this page. For any further details, please contact us at

Is there Wi-Fi access in the rooms & lobby? If yes, what are the current charges?

Wi-fi access is free of charge in rooms and lobby, provided you use your own device.

What are the standard “check in” and “check out” times of the hotel?

14:00hrs is check-in time & 12:00hrs noon is the check-out time

Do you have Tea & coffee facilities in rooms?

Yes, tea & coffee making facilities are available in all hotel rooms.

Is there a mini bar or mini fridge in the rooms?

All hotel rooms have a mini fridge.

Can guests request room upgrades whilst in resort?

Yes, provided hotel occupancy allows our hotel to upgrade you either to another view or in a different room type with a charge. In order to avoid any disappointment, please book the desired room type or room view with your travel agent.